Brennan Healing Science
Bath - Bristol

Healing Therapy in Bath and Bristol Area with Susan Greenfield


' Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field
I'll meet you there
When the soul lies down 'Rumi

'One never reaches home but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time ' Herman Hesse

I am a holistic integrative therapist and energy healer with over 30yrs experience of helping people to heal. I practice Brennan Healing, Body/Mind Therapy and Homeopathy on a one to one basis. I also offer individual Family Constellations work - this is a powerful way of effecting transformational change in you and in your family system and can help with recovery from chronic illness, anxiety and depression. My unique combination of healing work, psychological therapy, homeopathy and family constellations work has helped many clients to recover from many issues, including long-standing emotional issues and chronic illness 

Brennan Healing is a unique type of hands-on-healing therapy which many of my clients experience as truly life-changing. It is the only type of healing that works on the haric level of the energy field, the level of intention. This dimension deeper than the energy field (aura) - as a result this type of healing works on a deeper level and so is more transformational. The haric level or centre line corresponds to your life task or deeper spiritual purpose. Literally getting to the heart and soul of the problem. It helps to open the door to truly experiencing your inner self.

Brennan Healing Bodywork also supports the energetic clearing of your energy field (aura) and in doing so helps you to develop a deeper understanding of yourself. As your understanding increases so does your ability to identify and transform areas of difficulty in your life both physical, emotional and psychological.

By understanding and working with the source of these areas of difficulty or blocks in your energy system (which we all have to some degree or another, caused by early life-trauma and sometimes later traumas, which have been blocked from our consciousness) and releasing them, you can learn to free yourself from old patterns and behaviours that no longer serve your life. Therefore this type of energy healing is very helpful for Post Traumatic Stress symptoms as well as more generalised anxiety and physical symptoms,

Traumatic symptoms or trauma are not generally caused by the 'triggering' event itself. It stems from the frozen residue of energy that has not been resolved and discharged. This residue remains trapped in the nervous system where it can cause havoc in our body. mind and spirit. These frozen parts can be helped to ' thaw' by this bodywork trauma therapy acting as a catalyst. This initiates and encourages our innate capacity to return to a state of equilibrium in the system.

The healing of these frozen parts, distortions and imbalances leads to healing in the psyche and physical body, reduction of anxiety and can also prevent further illness occurring. Many conditions such as phobias and panic attacks are often related to previous, either remembered or buried traumas. Similarly, depression and anxiety can be the body's way of suppressing the trauma, which needs to be remembered and released.

I can teach simple Bodywork exercises, such as energy centre (chakra) opening exercises and haric level exercises and visualisations to enable you to continue the work between sessions and so to feel more energised both mentally and physically. As a healer and Homeopath, I can also prescribe and give Homeopathic Remedies to help with the healing process.

My practice is within easy reach of Bath, Bristol and surrounding areas. I have energy healing and therapy rooms in Newbridge, which is 2 miles from central Bath and on the Bristol side of Bath. I also work from The Practice Rooms in the centre of Bath and in Westbury on Trym, Bristol.

I am experienced at working as a healer with people with trauma symptomology (if you are experiencing strange symptoms, which can be both physical and psychological that are apparently unexplainable, they could be arising from a traumatic reaction to a past event that you may not even remember- there are hidden stresses generated from our early programming, a pattern so deep and so subtle it feels like a part of our real selves.) Anxiety and stress, Post traumatic stress symptoms, Acute and chronic illness, Relationship problems with the self and with others, Abuse Issues, Personal/Spiritual crisis, Migraine, M.E. and Chronic Fatigue, Pain Management, Depression, Burn-out, Bereavement, Post Traumatic Stress, Relationship Issues, Fertility problems, Pre and Post Operative surgery support, General Well-Being Issues, Long Covid,
Generalised Anxiety and Depression plus many others.

If you are unable to attend an in-person session, Distant Healing is, for most people very effective. I conduct Zoom consultations but can also be WhatsApp, FaceTime or telephone, followed by a Distant Healing which works in the same way as an in-person healing, indeed, some people prefer it. Please ask for further details.

I offer one-to-one Family/Systemic Constellations Consultations and run occasional groups using this modality - This approach was founded by Bert Hellinger in Germany over 30 years ago and is now practiced one-to-one and in groups worldwide. It works in a similar way to healing using energy fields, but using a process of representation of members of your family system, or illnesses/parts of the self - this too can help to shift blocks in the body/psyche and in the family system and sometimes, what seems like, magical changes happen as a result - please ask for more details.

'Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you' David Whyte

'Therefore, at any time of life, follow your own questions, dont mistake other people's questions for your own ' David Whyte



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