Brennan Healing Science
Bath - Bristol

Brennan Healing Science & Body Mind Therapy

Hands on Healing - Helping your body and mind to go into a deeply relaxed state and so enter the haric level of intention and accessing the core essence. This has the effect of taking healing to a much deeper level of transformational change than most other modes of healing work.
I graduated as a teacher of healing at the Brennan Institute, Oxford in May 2020.

Body/Mind Psychotherapy -this is talking therapy but also teaching the use of the energy field and chakras as a way to make deep transformational changes - table healings are used sometimes as part of the process - also bodywork and movement, Help with changing thought patterns is a really useful strategy. A simple example is 'holding' an opposite thought very lightly, for example, 'I don't have to' rather than feeling as though you have to do something. This is giving yourself a sense of 'self agency' is a vital component of being able to calm the nervous system, especially for anyone dealing with stress or trauma. Just holding a message for yourself gives a sense of relief, especially if you can also relax at the same time, even if just for 5 or 10 minutes..

Homeopathic Consultation - Homeopathy involves treating the individual with the aim of triggering the body's natural system of healing. Based on your specific symptoms and personal health, I will match the most appropriate remedy for you.
I find this can greatly enhance the healing and particularly helps with acute or chronic physical problems and is also very effective for conditions such as depression and life crisis. It also generally enhances physical and psychological health and can help with pain relief.
There is no extra charge for the Homeopathic consultation apart from the cost of the remedy - I offer it as part of the other therapies I practice, if appropriate.

Individual Family Constellations Facilitation - I am trained as a Facilitator and can offer individual sessions focussing on issues in your life in which you may feel 'stuck' or you need more insight about -Family Constellations is a way of working with systemic consciousness it can help with health problems, family systems problems and much more - please ask for more details if interested.

At the first appointment we can decide together on which approach is best for your needs. Please do contact me for further explanations of any of the therapies I practice.

As a graduate of the four year Professional Studies Diploma at the Brennan School of Healing I have completed an intensive study and practice of personal transformation, energy awareness, hands-on healing techniques, professional practice and integrative care. I have also completed the two year Advanced Studies programme which is a study of Body/Mind Psychotherapy and taking healing to a much deeper level of transformational change. It is a requirement of the school that the students undergo their own transformational change - I believe the only way a healer can help a client is to have first done the work on themselves. I trained in Homeopathy at The Portland Centre for Integrative Medicine (formerly Bristol Homeopathic Hospital)

I continue to work on myself by having regular Supervision and attending courses of further professional development.

Dr Barbara Brennan is a world renowned healer, teacher and author and former NASA physicist, Barbara is the author of Hands of Light and Light Emerging. Her work has culminated in the founding of the Brennan School of Healing.

I was fortunate in being one of the last group of students to be personally taught by Barbara.

I trained as a Person Centred Integrative Counsellor at Bristol University in 2000. I use Bodywork and energy techniques as well as talking therapy, paying close attention to the body's responses during the therapy and by enabling the body to go into a deeply relaxed state, allows the release of somatic trauma and reprogrammes the body into more helpful patterns of behaviour and generally aids feelings of well-being.

I find using these methods, both speeds up the psychological process and also fosters a deep sense of security in the body, which is often lacking in many people. I can teach methods to enable you to be able to continue this work inbetween sessions.

I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.

I am fully trained in Homeopathy and am a member of the Faculty of Homeopathy, I trained at Bristol Homeopathic Hospital and can give remedies, if desired, to enhance the healing/therapy work. I currently offer this as part of the healing/therapy work so there is no additional charge apart from the cost of the remedy. I find homeopathy greatly enhances both healing and therapy work and can help with virtually every kind of problem be it emotional or physical.

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