Brennan Healing Science
Bath - Bristol


I run occasional groups and workshops. The next one coming up will be a Systemic Constellations day. This will be 4th August,2019 - it will be held in the Blue Room at The Practice Rooms Bath 10am - 4pm - please ask if you would like to know more.
Systemic Constellations can be done individually or in a group. This work was developed by Bert Hellinger, a family and group therapist. A primary function of the work is to reveal systemic entanglements. We can then enter into the process of looking for resolution. In optimal cases, there may be a final step in which the entanglements are resolved. Any issue can be brought to the group including symptoms of illness, relationship issues, family of origin issues. We will start with a group 'round' in which everyone has an opportunity to say as much or as little as they want about why they have come. Then I will invite someone to work with me - it is useful to express in minimal words what the issue is and what the person hopes to gain. The client will then be invited to choose members of the group to represent themselves and other relevant issues as guided by me. Depending on the size of the group, there will be an opportunity for everyone to work individually, however it is healing in itself to be a representative for someone else or to be part of the 'holding group' and observe only.
Here are some comments previous participants have made about other groups I have run:-

'Susan has the capacity to make people feel valued and accepted. I loved the meditation.' V.I.

'I enjoyed being with like-minded people in a friendly and inclusive group vibe. An enjoyable, lovely group. Thank You Susan.' E.W.

'I really liked the bodywork exercises - both the chakra and hara exercises and exercises in pairs' S.N.

'I really enjoyed the group discussions and meeting new people. Thank You.' J.G.

'Challenging and enjoyable in equal measures. Thank You' S.N.

'Susan is a great facilitator making me feel comfortable and welcome. I enjoyed learning about the Character Styles and how to work with them. G.S.

'I enjoyed the small size of the group - it felt safe and warm - a good place to share' J.W.

RELEASING YOUR SOUL'S PURPOSE is a small group experience of self discovery and self development. We will be using creative means of self expression such as dream-work, energy work and a talking circle format as a means to explore our own energies and psyches, longings and passions, and to give, often, much needed time to ourselves. Learn about positive, effortless intention from the haric level of the energy field and how it relates to your Life's Purpose. There will be plenty of time for discussion and deepening the group process plus meditation and relaxation.

The groups are experiential for anyone who wants to learn more about energy work, both their own energy and how it interacts with others' energys'. This is really useful and enlightening to know in order to work on intimate relationships with the self and with relationships and to heal old traumas and woundings from the past in oneself and in the relationship.

A group acts as a microcosm of the outer world in that what happens in the environment of the group also happens in some form with others in the outside world, so a group is an excellent place to explore patterns of communication with others' in a safe place and to try out new ways of being and so heal old wounds and patterns which may no longer serve you

My aim is to create a safe container for change to happen.

If you would like more information, I would be very happy to hear from you.

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